Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Card

Merry Christmas to all. Here's our Christmas pictures. We wanted to get some pics of the fam all decked out in our fancy clothes at Amanda's wedding, but that didn't work out so we had to find another day. With the help of Uncle Pauly we were successful!






Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ward Christmas Party


Zoo Lights

We went to the Hogle Zoo for the light show with the animals. We were very impressed with the show. Not only do they have all the animals to watch, but Santa and a ton on lights. These were my camera phone pics - not good :/




Mason & Max Gymnastic Show

The end of the year gymnastic show for Mason and Maxwell is an excellent time for them to show off their stuff. They have gymnastic practice once a week and we've seen great progress with both of them. We are amazed with their flexibility, technique and endurance. Both boys are determined to master their back hand springs and aerials.

Way to go boys, we're so proud.















Pictures With Santa

Every year our Real Estate team sponsors a photo shoot with Santa. It's always a huge success and tons of fun.




Festival Of Trees

Our annual Legacy Dance Festival of Trees performance is always looked forward to. Macaky was a big fan of the bubble machine this year. As always, my dancers did AWESOME!






We kind of failed with pics for Thanksgiving but we had a good holiday. We were able to eat Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma Judy's house and then we were able to hang out with the Draper clan and eat another dinner.





Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jackson 1

Our little nephew Jackson turned one! What a stud - we love him so!










Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nate & Amanda's Wedding Day

My sister Amanda got married on 11-11-11 in the Salt Lake Temple. The sealing was scheduled for 11:00am. However my sis forgot to get a wedding certificate. It postponed the the wedding 3 hours because it was veterans day and the court houses were closed. However, she did get married!! Yay!! We love Nate and are excited for him to be in our family.














Te reception was at Ensign Peak ward house. It was a little crazy for me because I was 3 hours behind from the delay at the temple, but everything turned out amazing!!!
These are the cutest server/flower girls ever!! These are some of my older dancers. I LOVE them!! They were so great!
My sister decided to to do a ring ceremony for those who were not able to be in the temple. It was very sweet!
My favorite Ring bearers!!



Max and Jada walked down the aisle together. So cute!
Mason and Kaelyn walked down the aisle. So sweet!
This is my Nanny. She is so cute. I was very glad she was able to make it to the reception.
The boys loved the "Candy Table".
Everyone LOVED the photo booth.




Mason caught the garter.





The bride and groom leaving to go on a cruise.....