Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines!!

Mase and Max wearing their Valentine shirts. They are such amazing little boys. I am so gratful for them in my life. I love that they make me laugh and smile constantly. Happy Valentines!!
I love Valentines!! It a little holidays that kids love so much! Teaching dance this week I have recieved some handmade, homemade and store bought Valentines. I love how excited my dancers were to give me their valentines. I love them!!
I remember being a child and so carefully selecting who was going to get what Valentine.
Mase and Max loved filling out their Valentines. They picked out Tranformer Valentines. (I know big shock)
Mase had his preschool Valentine Party. He picked out giant candy necklaces to give to his friends. Mase after his preschool party. He loved all of his Valentines. He especially loved the Spiderman Tatoo that he is holding up.
Mase shared his Valentines with Max.
Ethan and Mase are Wii buddies.


Janica and Dan said...

I love your boys! They look so cute in their Valentines shirts! Happy Valentines!

Bellblogging said...

Cute shirts! You always have the best valentines/halloween/christmas/easter PRESENTS! Cool necklaces!

Anonymous said...

What cute boys you have! We have loved having Mase over more this year. He is so fun! I love the twinner shirts!

Jylaire said...

What great boys you guys have! I love all the fun holiday things you find!