Monday, January 26, 2009

We went to the Utah Gymnastic meet. It was pink night. Everyone was suppose to wear pink to support breast cancer awareness. Mase and Max refused to wear pink. Matt squeezed into one of my pink shirts. It was hilarious. Gracie and I voted he keep his sweat shirt on.
Mase and Max loved watching the Utes Gymnastics. Mason's favorite part was dancing to "YMCA" and eating his Dip N' Dots. Max loved "Swoop" and clapping to the Ute Song. Go Utes!!!
Mase and Max were invited to get in the hot tub with their friends.
They love their friends.
Spaghetti Night
Mase and Max love spaghetti night. It is a huge mess, but they love slurping the noodles in.

We got to babysit little Bridger. Mase and Max were so excited when he showed up in a shirt they had. They ran upstairs and put on their shirts on so they were all matching. We had tons of fun with Bridger!!!


Bellblogging said...

Cute boys! Gymnastics looks fun. We will have to make it sometime, I bet Jada would love it! The Birthday Party was a blast! I think all the kids kick and scream when they have to leave (hopefully not just mine!)! Glad you guys had a good get away Vegas style! Gotta love VEGAS!!

Nick, Jess and Bridger said...

Thanks again!! Its so nice to have such a nice and helpful two adorable and matching boys. Let mase now we can swap max and bridge anytime. ha ha.

melynda said...

could your kids get any cuter? i dont think so!! they are like little best friends and i love it!!

Rachel said...

Why didn't we get a picture of Matt in the pink sweatshirt?!