Thursday, January 1, 2009

Alison's Wedding

YEA! Alison and Kyle were married Dec. 27th 2008! We were SO excited for these guys. They were married in the SL Temple for time and all eternity. What a great choice they made

It was a little chilly out so Mase kept his hood on but we managed to keep each other warm.

Max was so excited to blow bubbles as they exited the temple

The wedding luncheon was as the white house in Bountiful. The food was yummy lazanga and spaghetti. Matt lead in the new traditional "shoe" game. He had the place in laughter the whole time - what a great time! The reception was held later that night at the same place. It was so fun to see family and friends. It was also fun to get all dressed up - the boys were studs in their little tux's.

We just love Kyle and are so excited to have him in our family.
There's something about a little boy in a tux and cowboy boots


Heather said...

Those pictures are great, the few of you are amazing! What a beautiful woman you are!

Joey and Nettifer said...

Hello Ms Mo! You are one hot lady!!! What a catch you have Matt. What a fun thing to do after the holidays - get married.

Mike, Jules, Gabee and Izee said...

Moniquey... Who was the photographer?? I LOVED the cowboy boots shot. CLASSIC!!! and I loved the one of you alone, with the writing at the bottom (you know the one)...
Ally looked BEAUTIFUL!!!! how exciting for her...

Eli and Candace said...

Gorgeous Pics! The whole family looks great - gotta love the tux and the cowboy boots! Like my father-in-law he may never grow out of that.

Guinevere said...

Those pics are amazing. You look like a movie star...really. Love your family...Happy New Year cute lady.

vaughn@helina.bennett said...

cute pictures. that one of you with curly hair is so pritty.