Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Swing of Things

With school starting it will be nice to get back on a schedule, except I will miss summer badly. I love my kids and it's difficult to see them grow up darn fast.

Mason will be in the 2nd grade this year. He lucked out and got in a class with 3 other neighbor friends.


Our Maxwell will be starting Kindergarten. He is beyond excited to start!


Our Goose (Mackay) will continue to terrorise things around the house. But man, how could you not adore this little blonde.





The neighbor friends - minus Ethan. (Matt forgot to wait to take the pictures and took them before he got there... Sorry E.)


Here's the whole group...







Anonymous said...

Seriously Monique you need to double the size of your family.........they are the cutest boys in the whole world......Alan says Mackay looks just like his Momma I have to agree!

Brittney and Scott said...

Way cute pictures. I agree with grandma hummer. You should have some more kids.

Eli and Candace said...

Such a cute group of kids. However, seeing everyone's blogs with their kids first day of school is making me sick... I don't want to ever send Owen to school, I'm already sad about it.

Joey and Nettifer said...

what handsome boys you have!