Friday, October 24, 2008

October Fun!

Mason's preschool had a field trip to the Pack's Pumpkin Patch. It was so cute and fun. I was so grateful for the opportunity to go with Mase. When I nannied I would go on field trips with Soph, Grace and Olivia I always looked forward to taking my own kids on their field trips. It was awesome!!
Love my Boys!!
Mason's preschool class having some snacks.
Four cute kids in a wagon
Max standing by two cute witches. Ethan and Mase.
Scarecrows. The kids were excited to put the hats on and get a picture. Although getting all of the kids to sit still was impossible.
My little witches.
I am so grateful for my little guys. They have a ton of energy and keep me on my toes, but they are truly so wonderful!!
The boys playing in the hay maze.
Go Boys Go.
Out finding the perfect pumpkins.

Mason's Preschool also had a field trip to the Fire Station. Mase asked Matt to go and was very excited about his Daddy going on a field trip with him.
Mase holding the fire hose.
These are definitely the cutest fireman I have seen.
Max holding the hose. Max is loving all of Mase's field trips. Max hates leaving Mase when he has to go to preschool.
Mase's preschool also went to the library for a field trip. Yes, lots of field trips this month. However it has been a great experience to share in his preschool times with him. When we went to the library they told us about Scary Night. So we came back for a fun night at the library. It was so crazily busy, but the kids had a lot of fun.
They were doing the monster walk. When they won they got to make spiders out of Oreo's. After making crafts, going through their spook alley and listening to some scary stories we called it a night.
Max and Kira. I think this is when we were listening to scary stories. Instead of reading the stories they acted them out. All of the kids were very entertained and Mase still talks about the stories.


Rachel said...

Holy cow Max has grown up so much since I saw him last! Field trips are so fun! Don't you just love the fall?