Monday, July 21, 2008


Allred Family Reunion in Zions. Grandma Allred picked an amazing spot. It was so much fun, Thanks Grandma Allred!!

In Beaver on our way down. The boys thought this chair was way to cool.
Jenni and her new sweet baby
My boys love their uncle Paul. He is always so good with them.
We went to the barn and had country dancing and line dancing.
Go Allie!! Go Allie!! She was workin it with our cowboy instructor.
Grandma Allred and Barb swinging away!
I love country dancing. Matt has never done it before, but he was great!
Roasting Marsh mellows. Oop's we couldn't find the mellows. I went to the little store and they were out of the big mellows so I had to buy the mini mellows. We put like ten on and it worked. Luckily later the guy Allie was flirting with saved the day and had some big mellows.
Love my Mase
3 little monkeys jumping on the bed
How many Draper's can fit on one couch?

Barb and Alan
Mase and his two aunts. ( No they are not twins however they were very matchy)
Carter loves watermelon, even after it drops in the dirt
Family Olympics started with the Watermelon eating contest.
Three legged race.
This is before my sweet husband dumped buckets of water on me.
Max and Carter
Tug of War. Mase was a huge help to his team.
This team was tough
Bobbing for oranges and carrying them on a spoon. If you drop it you had to pick it up without using your hands. Paul dropped it and had dirt all over his mouth.
Matt's team won! However I went over to his bucket and they had emptied their water. Cheaters. After the water balloon toss, Water Fight.
The pool was awesome! My boys thought it was heaven. They loved the slide.
Go Mase
Sweet Baby
At the Petting Zoo.
Love the horses.
These boys love their daddy
Repelling. It was so much fun.

Grandma Allred set up the darling tables for a great and yummy dinner.
It was so fun to be together

Patriotic Night. Grandma Allred planned a great evening: Sang patriotic songs, watched Emily and Mikes wedding video, Sarah and Craigs wedding video, Allie's St Lucia, Johnathon's memorial video.
Grandma Allred made a special book and dvd for each grandchild about Grandpa Allred. Everyone shared memories. It was very special.
That's my cute husband!!
Family Prayer

Fun Group
Hiking in Zions

Mase hiked all by himself. He was so independent. Some parts were scary and he insisted that he could do it by himself. Max on the other hand wanted nothing to do with being independent. Matt and I took turns carring him on our shoulders.
Thanks to Grandma Allred who arranged this wonderful time for our family. We had so much fun. Thanks to Aunt Marilyn who was in charge of the food it was amaizing!!


Bellblogging said...

Wow looks like a fun trip! Anything happen with Allie and the instructor??? I can't believe Matt cheated to win the Orange bobbing contest!!!

Eli and Candace said...

Where were you guys? It looks like a lot of fun!

Michael and Emily said...

Lies!! We didn't cheat on bobbing for oranges. We were just given the shallower bucket. Not our fault!

Mom Marilynn said...

Great Post! Thanks so much for taking all the pics! We had such a great time too!

The Beckstrands said...

WOw!! what a fun place to go, your grandma did a great job planning all the activities.

melynda said...

family olympics, what a fun idea! that pool looks awesome, what a fun trip.

Jylaire said...

That looks SO much funner than any family reunion I've ever been to! Care to adopt me?

Danielle said...

We are so sad we missed out! It stinks being so far away (and that gas costs an arm and a leg) Thanks for posting all of the pictures!