Friday, June 20, 2008

Lake Powell

We went to Lake Powell. YEA!! It is my most favorite place. My kids had the best time. The first night we were getting out of the boat and Mason said, "I love Lake Powell it is amazing". We went with our friends the Bangeter's. We camped out and every morning we hopped on the boat for an all day adventure.

We went to Rainbow Bridge. It was a little hike to see one of the seven wonders of the world.
The whole group.
Max and Mom
Max holding Sage's hand walking. So cute.

The kids with Glen Canyon Dam in the background.
TUBING. The kids loved tubing. They would hold their thumbs up and yell "faster". Jade and Max even loved it.
Matt and Ricky on the tube. I told them it was their turn. I have never driven the boat pulling tubers before so I thought a good speed would be 30 mph. The guys were putting their thumbs down and yelling slower. I slowed down and then Michelle said they were kidding. So I quickly increased my speed and soon knocked Matt off. He had a huge headache since he rolled off at 30 mph. They were not kidding and said they were laughing so hard because I was going so fast.

Everyday we had to find a Geo Cache or what the kids call "Treasure". It was fun and some were very challenging. Matt playing games with kids
My cute husband! I love you!

The kids had so much fun that they wore themselves out.
We stopped at Dangling Rope for ice cream. The ice cream was great and the carp were great entertainment for the kids.
Dipping feet in between skiers.
Playing in the beach. We buried Mase. Max loved these goggles. He would put them on and wear them for a long time.


The Beckstrands said...

Love the picture with Max and the goggles, looks like it was a great trip.

cmshort said...

Looks like you had a great time. Lots of sun and sand. Glad you are back. See you at Rage.

Joey and Nettifer said...

what a fun time at Powell! I love that place! Your trip looks like a blast!

danielle and jason said...

It sounds like your trip was awesome!! (and the pics make it look so fun!) P.S - Geocaching is Jas's new "favorite" hobby. :)

Missy said...

How fun! We have never been to Powell. One day.